Strategic Planning

1. Comprehensive analysis

Business analysis is based on studying all internal and external elements that effect the organization on achieving its strategic goals, providing a clear picture of its business operations and its competitive advantages. Moreover, studying thoroughly the business environment its opportunities and challenges, and the efficiency of the organization in utilizing its resources, which helps management to make the best decisions for growth and expansion. At Dewan Consulting We provide a comprehensive and accurate analysis to our clients on several levels, including :

  • Business Environment Analysis
  • Market Research (Gap analysis)
  • Organizational Efficiency Analysis
  • Analyzing Financial Indicators

2. The management of change

We support our clients in Dewan to adopt positive change and provide them with latest practices and concepts in the business world. That is easier said than done, but by developing the skills of the workforce and shifting to the most appropriate technology and ensuring the top management commitment changing towards the organizational structure and the most appropriate quality processes, and implementing a (forecasting) method and prepare for it with all the details to ensure sustainability, growth and expansion.

3. Governance

1-Institutional Governance: We at Dewan set the organizational and administrative frameworks and lay down the policies and procedures that determine the nature of relationship between the owners of the organization, its board of directors and the executive management, in order to ensure the effective management of the organization with the necessary control to preserve and develop the rights of shareholders.

2-Family governance: where we present strategic plans for family businesses that aim to achieve a balance between responsibilities and risks. Manage the values and rights of shareholders, and develop financial plans for family members in senior management positions, with a focus on developing work for future generations and protect family values

4. Building business models

In Dewan, we design and develop business models and frameworks that suit the nature of each project separately, and we innovate more appropriate, productive and feasible organizational structures. We Follow it up step by step to achieve, maintain and ensure that the desired goals are achieved.

Other services

Mergers and Acquisitions

Preparation, examination and analysis The success of the merger and acquisition operation


Understanding and developing human resources is capable of redefining the capacity of institutions and organiza


Market research helps in providing the necessary information to organizations and institutions about the market