

Retail continues to change at a dramatic pace, with shoppers evolving their habits and raising their expectations faster than many retailers can adjust. The retail industry is at a pivotal point with many concurrent dynamics increasing pressure on sales and profit margins.

Many international retailers entering/expanding domestic markets, the e-commerce/mobile sales channels finally coming of age and now forcing retailers to examine and become expert at serving their customers no matter how the customers shop, collect or return merchandise and the increased competition from domestic competitors who are gradually expanding assortments into adjacent categories.

Through value-driven strategies, Dewan is helping retailers operate seamlessly across channels to create a wonderful experience for customers. We deliver good strategic business advice and follow through all the way to the end of implementation to help our clients get better results quicker. We work together with our clients to jointly develop sustainable solutions and look for innovative and transformational solutions. Our consultancy is underpinned by strong analytical capabilities to ensure our solutions are based on an understanding of the retail dynamics of your market, product category and consumer.