Mergers and Acquisitions

1. Preparation, examination and analysis

The success of the merger and acquisition operation depends on careful preparation, intensive study of the process, analyzing it effectively, and determining the optimal strategy for implementation based on the main objective of the process. Through a network of highly experienced specialist, we conduct a due diligence process to check and define the added value and all direct and indirect elements, verify all assumptions and data related to the operation and report it accurately for a more saucerful acquisition.

2. Evaluating opportunities and alternatives

The process of evaluating opportunities and alternatives is based on studying business foundations and accumulated practical experiences to define objectives, collect data, evaluate expected returns, and study opportunities from the legal, structural, financial, technical, marketing and other aspects. This is obviously a task that require vast experience and deep knowledge of the market to determine the organization direction and objectives and collecting the data required in a clear analytical framework and presenting it.

3. Business Innovation

After the merger and acquisition process, organizations tend to implement an updated structure that connects the parts and divisions of the nascent organization. By adopting a specially designed approach to achieve the goals of merger and acquisition
quickly and flexibly we have to be innovative to tailor made a solution that can best suit the case we have and follow-up work to ensure success and sustainability.

4.Risk Management

Dewan’s risk management mechanism relies on an approach that combines scientific methods and practical experiences to
provide studies that identify current risks and predict the possible future. Our experts identify, analyze, evaluate and assess internal and external risks, prioritize them, build a precise strategic plan to deal with them, provide a governance plan, follow-up and monitor performance, and review policies and objectives to better manage risks of all natures.

Other services

Strategic Planning

Comprehensive analysis Business analysis is based on studying all internal and external elements


Understanding and developing human resources is capable of redefining the capacity of institutions and organiza


Market research helps in providing the necessary information to organizations and institutions about the market