
1. Market Research

Market research helps in providing the necessary information to organizations and institutions about the market, customers and competitors with regard to the services and products provided. Dewan collect, analyze and record data according to a carefully structured approach to understand the nature and size of the market, the most prominent players and competitors in it and the wants and needs of the consumers. And relying on this research later in building marketing that helps our clients in the development of their operations and expansion of their business, avoiding potential market risks and making many important decisions.

2. Develop marketing and sales activities

The success of the business after the analysis, planning, and market study is due to choosing and implementing the right sales strategy and designing an innovative operational approach commensurate with the objectives and features of each organization separately. At Dewan, we create and develop unique operational plans based on market needs, follow the transition of products and services from the idea to the consumer. The plans will start from the customer profiling and the type of products or services provided, identify the best pricing strategy and sales channels, adjust budgets, build brands, the optimal time to launch them, develop communication tools and techniques, promotion strategies, loyalty programs, electronic sales, …etc.

Other services

Mergers and Acquisitions

Preparation, examination and analysis The success of the merger and acquisition operation

Strategic Planning

Comprehensive analysis Business analysis is based on studying all internal and external elements


Understanding and developing human resources is capable of redefining the capacity of institutions and organiza